Startup Scanning
GraQL does add slight overhead to the startup of your micronaut application. At startup, it:
- Uses the underlying micronaut application context to inspect any registered beans of stereotypes
. - Creates delegates for data fetches (queries, mutations, fetches), data loaders, and exception handlers.
- Registers scalars.
- Uses
to create the underlyinggraphql.GraphQL
for micronaut GraphQL integration.
GraQLComponent Registration
Delegates form the core of GraQL.
During the scanning phase, annotations like @GraQLQuery
are used to create delegate instances that receive input from GraphQL and invoke methods on your @GraQLComponent
A central (and replaceable/extensible!) GraQLDelegateFactory
interface is responsible for stating which annotations are recognized and providing a GraQLDelegationConfigurator
implementation for each annotation.
This allows you to extend GraQL with new delegates, annotations, and your own implementation of delegation behavior.
Exception Handlers
Components annotated with GraQLExceptionHandler
are registered and provided to the GraQLGlobalExceptionHandler
If a GraphQL operation throws an exception, the global exception handler checks for an appropriate delegate.
If one exists for the exception type, it's then invoked.
GraQLScalar Registration
GraQLScalar scanning simply confirms that annotated components implement the correct interface (graphql.schema.Coercing
). Once validated, they're available to the internal GraQLFactory
for configuration.