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GraQL is prerelease, experimental, and a demonstration piece. Use at your own risk.

Security and Threads

In line with Netflix DGS and Spring GraphQL, GraQL does not provide a security framework.

Authentication and authorization should be handled within your endpoint (/graphql) and business (service) tiers.

In simpler terms, you secure the /graphql route as you would any other, and your @GraQLComponents should delegate to services that perform authorization.

Where GraQL does provide a convenience, it's within the cross-thread nature of batched data fetching/data loading, and GraQL does not reinvent wheels. Instead, you can rely on the existing mechanics of Micronaut context propagation.

Data Loader and Threads

Within the following batched data loader, multiple batches of authors may be fetched. This is asynchronous and may cross threads.

This means that any authorization (i.e., "current user") bound to a thread might be lost.

fun author( toDos:Collection<ToDo> ): List<Author> {
    // Find all of our authors, at once, by ID
    return toDoService.findAuthorsByIdIn({it.authorId} )

Solving With Context Propagation

Micronaut provides context propagation to solve this, and GraQL does not change anything about its implementation. Any existing usage "just works."