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GraQL is prerelease, experimental, and a demonstration piece. Use at your own risk.

Data Loaders (N+1)


Efficient data loaders are essential and GraQL favors starting with loaders and batch fetches over raw fetch implementations that can cause N+1 issues.

For a schema listing items, where each item has a "child" (e.g., Books have-one Author), it's very easy to write code that will list all books and them perform N additional queries (one for each book) to "fetch" the author.

GraQL tackles this up-front, allowing you to designate any method within a @GraQLComponent as a "batch fetch." The underlying graphql-java library recognizes this pattern and will call your batch-fetch method once (per batch), providing the keys for all child models to load.


For the given schema definition where a query for ToDo can return the Author for each ToDo:

type Query {
    toDos: [ToDo!]!

type ToDo @key(fields: "id") { # <4>
    id: ID!
    title: String!
    completed: Boolean!
    dateCompleted: DateTime
    author: Author!

type Author { # <5>
    id: ID!
    username: String!

Using a List


Use a List when the child entity is not nullable and you are sure one will exist for every parent.

This method will provide a batch fetch that will list the Author for each ToDo as a list.

fun author( toDos:Collection<ToDo> ): List<Author> {
    // Find all of our authors, at once, by ID
    return toDoService.findAuthorsByIdIn({it.authorId} )

Using a Map


Use a Map when the child entity is not null and may not exist for every parent.

This method will provide a batch fetch that will list the Author for each ToDo, mapping each Author to its "parent" ToDo:

fun author( toDos:Collection<ToDo> ): Map<ToDo, Author> {
    // Find all of our authors, at once, by ID
    val authorsById = toDoService
        .findAuthorsByIdIn({it.authorId} )
        .associateBy{ }

    // Associate them with their ToDos
    return toDos.fold( mutableMapOf() ) { acc, it ->
        acc.put( it, authorsById[it.authorId]!! )


GraQL assumes the following sensible defaults:

  1. Your method name (author) is the same as the field to fetch.
  2. The response type from your method (List or Map) determines if this is a batch fetch or mapped batch fetch.
  3. The underlying data loader name will be the concatenation of your method name and "DataLoader" (e.g. "authorDataLoader").
  4. The GraphQL type is the same name as the type generic for the collection passed to the method.


These defaults can be overridden within the GraQLBatchFetch annotation:

@GraQLBatchFetch(name="authors", type="ToDo", dataLoaderName="customAuthorsDataLoader" )
fun customAuthors( toDos:Collection<CustomToDo> ): List<Author> {
    // Find all of our authors, at once, by ID
    return toDoService.findAuthorsByIdIn({it.authorId} )