GraQL is prerelease, experimental, and a demonstration piece. Use at your own risk.
Data Loaders (N+1)
Efficient data loaders are essential and GraQL favors starting with loaders and batch fetches over raw fetch implementations that can cause N+1 issues.
For a schema listing items, where each item has a "child" (e.g., Books have-one Author), it's very easy to write code that will list all books and them perform N
additional queries (one for each book) to "fetch" the author.
GraQL tackles this up-front, allowing you to designate any method within a @GraQLComponent
as a "batch fetch." The underlying graphql-java
library recognizes this pattern and will call your batch-fetch method once (per batch), providing the keys for all child models to load.
For the given schema definition where a query for ToDo
can return the Author
for each ToDo
type Query {
toDos: [ToDo!]!
type ToDo @key(fields: "id") { # <4>
id: ID!
title: String!
completed: Boolean!
dateCompleted: DateTime
author: Author!
type Author { # <5>
id: ID!
username: String!
Using a List
Use a List
when the child entity is not nullable and you are sure one will exist for every parent.
This method will provide a batch fetch that will list the Author
for each ToDo
as a list.
fun author( toDos:Collection<ToDo> ): List<Author> {
// Find all of our authors, at once, by ID
return toDoService.findAuthorsByIdIn({it.authorId} )
Using a Map
Use a Map
when the child entity is not null and may not exist for every parent.
This method will provide a batch fetch that will list the Author
for each ToDo
, mapping each Author
to its "parent" ToDo
fun author( toDos:Collection<ToDo> ): Map<ToDo, Author> {
// Find all of our authors, at once, by ID
val authorsById = toDoService
.findAuthorsByIdIn({it.authorId} )
.associateBy{ }
// Associate them with their ToDos
return toDos.fold( mutableMapOf() ) { acc, it ->
acc.put( it, authorsById[it.authorId]!! )
GraQL assumes the following sensible defaults:
- Your method name (
) is the same as the field to fetch. - The response type from your method (
) determines if this is a batch fetch or mapped batch fetch. - The underlying data loader name will be the concatenation of your method name and "DataLoader" (e.g. "authorDataLoader").
- The GraphQL
is the same name as the type generic for the collection passed to the method.
These defaults can be overridden within the GraQLBatchFetch
@GraQLBatchFetch(name="authors", type="ToDo", dataLoaderName="customAuthorsDataLoader" )
fun customAuthors( toDos:Collection<CustomToDo> ): List<Author> {
// Find all of our authors, at once, by ID
return toDoService.findAuthorsByIdIn({it.authorId} )